First 100 Sight Words- Phonics fun


These First 100 sight words are an integral part of learning to read through Phonics. Let’s explore all the sight words for early readers. This phonics resources is perfect for your preschoolers and Kindergartens.

Sight-words practice sheet are also available! Do check out…

These first 100 sight words chart are free to download from the below links:

First 100 Sight words
First 100 Sight words

What are Sight Words?

Sight words are words that are memorized and recognizable by sight.Unlike other words which needs to be decoded by the phonic sounds.

Facts about Sight Words :

  • Sight words are the most frequently used words in the English language.
  • Sight words make up about approximately 50% of any written text.
  • Children learn to read more fluently and confidently if they master the initial 100 sight words.

So, Here’s 100 Sight Words for Preschoolers and kindergartners

  • the
  • of
  • and
  • a
  • to
  • in
  • is
  • you
  • that
  • it
  • he
  • was
  • for
  • on
  • are
  • as
  • with
  • his
  • they
  • I
  • at
  • be
  • this
  • have
  • from
  • or
  • one
  • had
  • by
  • words
  • but
  • not
  • what
  • all
  • were
  • we
  • when
  • your
  • can
  • said
  • there
  • use
  • an
  • each
  • which
  • she
  • do
  • how
  • their
  • if
  • will
  • up
  • other
  • about
  • out
  • many
  • then
  • them
  • these
  • so
  • some
  • her
  • would
  • make
  • like
  • him
  • into
  • time
  • has
  • look
  • two
  • more
  • write
  • go
  • see
  • number
  • no
  • way
  • could
  • people
  • my
  • than
  • first
  • water
  • been
  • call
  • who
  • am
  • its
  • now
  • find
  • long
  • down
  • day
  • did
  • get
  • come
  • made
  • may
  • part

In addition to this above list, the words a child sees often like his name, siblings,logos,signs ca also be counted as sight words. in short, any words which a child is exposed to on a regular basis can be included in your sight-word list.

By the end of 3rd grade, your child will be able to recognize more than 300 words.

Some ways of teaching Sight Words to Preschoolers and kindergartners

Now since we know that sight words are the building blocks or the foundation for anyone who begins to read. Here are some simple yet strategic ways to help your child memorize sight-words, so let’s begin!

– Read Aloud

Reading aloud helps a kid to get hang of letter and words. While you are reading aloud to your child be sure to point out sight words as you keep coming across them. If reading a book, You can also underline or highlight the sight words that helps the kid to memorize the words better. Also try doing the same with your preschooler or kindergartner. You can check out our reading through phonics guide to help your little one learn to read.

– Use Sight Word Practice sheets

Sight words practice sheet is a wonderful way to help the toddler retain the words just by having a look at them. The sight word practice sheets help them, read, trace, find and write the sight words. The repetitive nature of the practice sheet makes the kid familiar with the particular sight word. You can refer to our sight-words practice sheets for reinforcement of the sight-words for your little one.

– Use Sight-word Flashcards

Create your own sight word flashcards. everyday go through few of them with your child and quiz him/her to see how much they retain. Flashcards are exciting for kids hence use them as frequently as you can.

– Create a Sight-word board or chart

Since sight words are to be memorized it’s a great idea to make a board of sight words which the kid learns and keep updating the same as the words keep increasing. Sight words should be always in the sight of the little ones. Visual display of them helps the kid to unknowing memorize it by sight.

– Play Sight-word Games

Create your own games with sight words. Use sight words flash cards and put them upside down. Each sight-word should should have two flash cards. Remember not to play this game with more then 10 sight words or else it maybe overwhelming for the child.

Put all the sight words flash cards upside down, so that the kid cannot see the words. Now, turn by turn flip them, and the kid is suppose to match the same words. At first the child may just recognize by letters but later as he get familiar he might be able to identify the sight-words easily.

– Sensory Bin Activity of Sight-words

Sensory Bin Sight-Word Search activity for preschoolers and Kindergartners is a super fun activity. It also helps in building Sensory skills, fine motor skills and Cognitive skills.

Materials Needed:

  • Sand/Rice bin
  • Paper
  • Marker
  • Paint Brush

All you need to do is write sight words randomly in a paper which is size of the sensory tray. On another paper write the same sight-words for the kid to mark.

Now lay the paper with sight-words in the tray and pour sand evenly over it covering them. And let your little archaeologist discover the words and mark the words in his own sight-word paper. It’s super-fun and exciting.

Below is a picture for reference, which can be customised for this sight-word search activity.

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